beach friends

We claim relationships and people are what really matter in life. It’s not money, cars, houses, or businesses. Our relationships are the most important part of our lives. We all agree on this right?

Then why do we spend so little time learning how to have healthy relationships and so much time learning about everything else? That doesn’t make sense. If  people are more important then work why do we spend 60 hours a week working on our business and just a few left over hours on our relationships?


I’m not trying to make you feel guilty and I’ll admit, I struggle with this myself. I can easily spend hours on end reading books and blogs related to my business and hobbies but very little time learning about things like love, trust, commitment and communication – all necessary ingredients for healthy relationships.

Two Reasons We Fail To Invest in Our Relationships

Either relationships are not as important as we claim they are or we don’t recognize a need to work on relationships. We assume we know how to be a good friend, spouse or disciple and just continue on with our busy lives.

Don’t fix it if it’s not broken, right? Wrong.

The time to work on your relationships isn’t when things are broken (that’s called reconciliation). The best time to invest in your relationships is right now, when things are going “OK”. It’s like anything in life.

Is it better to invest in your health now or wait until you get sick?

Is it better to market yourself now while you already have work or wait until you’re slow to do this?

Is it better to learn about prayer now or wait until you’re in a crisis?

We all know the right answers. The hard part is actually taking action on what we know. They say talk is cheap but I think knowing is cheap too. Faith without works is dead and knowing without action isn’t any better.

What one thing can you do today to invest in your relationships?

About Josh Monen

Josh is a Christian entrepreneur who lives in Central Texas with his wife and 4 kids.