Becoming so heavenly minded that we are of some earthly good.

Category: Church

Do You Know What’s Wrong with the Church Today?

Do you ever get enticed into a conversation about something you later feel kind of yucky about?

It happened to me recently.

I met someone who wanted to talk about politics right away.

He told me his take on Donald Trump and why he wouldn’t be voting for him — unless his vote was actually the deciding vote, in which case he said he would vote for him (I didn’t understand his logic… but it made sense to him).

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About Josh Monen

Josh is a Christian entrepreneur who lives in Central Texas with his wife and 4 kids.

Attraction Rather Than Promotion: A Better Way to Grow a Church

A.A. and the 12-Step Program has a special place in my heart because that’s where I first became open to “spirituality.”

It’s also the first place I experienced grace from people. I remember opening up my heart and really letting people know what was going on inside of me.

And the strangest thing happened… nobody judged me! They didn’t even give me “concerned” looks.

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About Josh Monen

Josh is a Christian entrepreneur who lives in Central Texas with his wife and 4 kids.

One Of The Biggest Lies The Church Believes

The biggest list the church believesDo you want to know one of the biggest lies the enemy has told us?

Lie: you’re playing defense, not offense (as you hold the ball in your hands and say, Really?)

Truth: you’re on offense (that’s why the ball is in your hands) and the only hope the enemy has is to convince you otherwise.

Here’s what I mean.

God has all power and all authority. Not only is He winning. He’s already won.

Jesus defeated the enemy at the Cross and recaptured the keys of the kingdom.

In other words, Jesus stripped the enemy of his power and authority (which he received when man fell) and delegated it to the church.

Yet many Christians live contrary to this reality. They’ve believed the lie that says, “You’re not powerful. You’re weak and defeated.”

They think they’re destined for a continual struggle against the enemy. Continue reading

About Josh Monen

Josh is a Christian entrepreneur who lives in Central Texas with his wife and 4 kids.

When Christians Disagree: Unity, Facebook and False Teachers

Hixson Bridge at Shevlin Park

Hixson Bridge at Shevlin Park

Last week an old friend, and fellow Christian, messaged me on Facebook to let me know he thought some of the Christian charismatic leaders I followed were “false teachers.”

I didn’t (and still don’t) agree with him. But that’s not the point.

There are enough blog posts, Facebook comments and even entire books dedicated to, what I’ll refer to as “Christian Disagreements.”

But so few resources on how to walk in unity and how to honor those you disagree with.

It’s like we’re experts at arguing, persuading and debating (which I confess, I do a lot of) but almost entirely ignorant on how to walk in unity.

And I think something is wrong with that.

So instead of writing my friend back right away, I took a day to think it over. I wanted to not only get my thinking right but also my heart right before I responded.

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About Josh Monen

Josh is a Christian entrepreneur who lives in Central Texas with his wife and 4 kids.

Why Do You Go To Church?

A couple of days ago I was working from a coffee shop. It was very busy that day when a couple of men walked in. The only place for them to sit was across the counter from me. So they sit down and start to talk business.

Then after they finish with their business transaction the conversation drifts towards church.

The one man said, “You know, the reason I go there [his church] is because of the teaching (he made sure to really emphasize the word “teaching”). When I sit down with those guys we’ll all bring our concordances and references books. We’ll cross-reference verses and look up the Greek. You know [name of friend] went to Multnomah Bible College and [name of another friend] went to [name of some other well-respected Bible school].”

The conversation continued like this. It was all about how good they could analyze the Bible. There was no talk about God or people. No mention of the friends this man had at church or the bond they had in the spirit. No discussion about how his life had been changed. Continue reading

About Josh Monen

Josh is a Christian entrepreneur who lives in Central Texas with his wife and 4 kids.

Why Should Anyone Make a Covenant with Another Person?

I think it’s important to answer the “why?” question before we go out and form covenants with people. Should we form a covenant because we go to the same church or because we’re part of the same ministry?

Should it be based on proximity — if you’re a Christian in my town is that enough to form a covenant relationship?

Or are these foundations too shallow to build such meaningful relationships on? Continue reading

About Josh Monen

Josh is a Christian entrepreneur who lives in Central Texas with his wife and 4 kids.

The False Rapture Prediction, Media and Christians

I know. You’re tired of hearing about the fake rapture prediction. So am I. I won’t bore you with another article about Camping’s false doctrine. I’m also not going to write about the fact that Jesus clearly said that nobody knows when the end will come.

I want to talk about the media itself. More specifically, Christians and the media.

Why do we not have more influence in the media realm? Continue reading

About Josh Monen

Josh is a Christian entrepreneur who lives in Central Texas with his wife and 4 kids.

The Church’s Role in Meeting Needs

little church

“I have observed  two extremes in our churches concerning personal needs. One extreme is the impersonal church that ignores many needs. People come to church to hear the preacher preach and the teacher teach. In this setting, pastors see themselves as mini-theologians. They are the defenders of the faith.

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About Josh Monen

Josh is a Christian entrepreneur who lives in Central Texas with his wife and 4 kids.

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