Becoming so heavenly minded that we are of some earthly good.

Category: Renewing the Mind

Thankfulness Is A Choice

Is it possible to always be thankful?

I think it is because the Bible commands us to. So how do we do it? How do we cultivate a thankful heart and attitude despite what’s going on?

I don’t know. But I want to find out.

I do know one thing though… thankfulness isn’t dependent on circumstances or things going our way. At least that’s true for me.

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About Josh Monen

Josh is a Christian entrepreneur who lives in Central Texas with his wife and 4 kids.

What Do You Believe About Your Nature?

New Creation vs Sin Nature

What Kind Of Nature Do You Have?

The “sin nature” is a subject that is taught, preached and studied extensively in the church today.

Conversely there isn’t much focus on what it means to be a “new creation” in Christ.Think about it for a moment. How often do you hear the sin/human nature mentioned in a sermon compared to the “inward man” or the “new creation”?

If you’re like most Christians you’ve been taught about the sinful, fallen and corrupt nature of man far more than you have about being a new creation.

It’s as if what Adam and Eve did was more important (or powerful) than what Christ did.

And it’s a tragedy. When we neglect to teach Christians the truth about what it means to be a new creation we do a terrible disservice. We end up with Christians and churches who are completely ignorant of the abundant spiritual life available and who continue to strive against sin. Plus, it makes having a real relationship with God almost impossible.

Here’s why…

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About Josh Monen

Josh is a Christian entrepreneur who lives in Central Texas with his wife and 4 kids.

What if Joshua Accepted His Circumstances or Was a DIY Type?

book of joshua

Photo courtesy of ©

I was reading Joshua this morning and something really stood out to me. It was the truth that it’s God who prospers us and the truth that we play a significant role in this. I saw a beautiful example of God and man co-laboring together to accomplish His purposes in the earth.

God speaks to Joshua in chapter 1 verse 3,

Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses.

Did you see God’s part and man’s part right? God who said He would give the land to Joshua but Joshua still had to tread upon the enemy.

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About Josh Monen

Josh is a Christian entrepreneur who lives in Central Texas with his wife and 4 kids.

Help Us Be Better Stewards or Give Us More?

audience of one

Many times I’ve prayed and asked God for more. More love, more power, more of His presence, more, more, more…But tonight I was reminded of a simple truth as I was reading a book by Neil Anderson.

Anderson talked about being good stewards of what God has already revealed to us. He was talking about counseling someone and walking them through the Steps to Freedom but what he said sparked a whole stream of ideas in me.

It got me thinking about every area of my life and I began asking myself, am I stewarding that well? It could be ministry, relationships, money, clients, my marriage, revelations, health and even the gospel. It’s easy to give attention to the big things in our lives but I believe God wants us to pay especially close attention to the small things. Continue reading

About Josh Monen

Josh is a Christian entrepreneur who lives in Central Texas with his wife and 4 kids.

The Fear of Being Called a Crazy Christian

A few days ago a co-worker who sits next to me was telling a story to another co-worker about a wedding she went to over the weekend. She said that the groom’s family were “crazy Christians” because they would shout things like, “praise Jesus!” She also said they are weird because they “have church in a garage.” Continue reading

About Josh Monen

Josh is a Christian entrepreneur who lives in Central Texas with his wife and 4 kids.

Dry Seasons – What Are You Going To Do?

Have you ever gone through a “dry season” and wanted to know how to get out of it? For those unfamiliar with this term, a dry season is another way of saying “I don’t feel close to God and joy is lacking in my life.” I think we’ve all been there. It feels like we’re in a long distance relationship with God and we are the most unspiritual person on the planet. During these times should we just wait for the rain or can we do something to get out of this funk?

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About Josh Monen

Josh is a Christian entrepreneur who lives in Central Texas with his wife and 4 kids.

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